
You can compose atoms from other atoms, and such create a derived atom. This is very powerful, and will automatically trigger a re-render when one of the atoms changes.

To use this feature, you'll need to set the initial value as a callback, and use the first argument get. This method allows you to get any existing atom in your application:

const eurosAtom = atom(10)
const dollarsAtom = atom(get => get(eurosAtom) * 1.15)

Then, when eurosAtom changes, dollarsAtom will be updated automatically and such trigger a re-render.

function App() {
  const [euros, setEuros] = useAtom(eurosAtom)
  const [dollars, setDollars] = useAtom(dollarsAtom)

  return (
      <input onChange={({ target }) => setEuros(target.value)} value={euros} />
      <input onChange={({ target }) => setDollars(target.value)} value={dollars} />