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Particule is shipped in cjs and esm formats. Install it with your favorite package manager:

npm install particule
yarn add particule
pnpm add particule

Particule uses the concept of atoms to manage the state. Each atom represent a piece of state, that can be read and updated from anywhere in your application.

Create an atom

You can create basic atoms with the atom function, and we'll see later how to create more complex atoms with createAtom.

import { atom } from 'atom'

export const textAtom = atom('Hello World')

The type of the atom is Atom<string>, and is automatically inferred from the type of the initial value. If you need more logic, you can also use a callback function for the initial value (and even make it async with suspense):

export const textAtom = atom(() => {
  // Extra logic here...
  return 'Hello World'

Use the atom

You can now use this atom anywhere in your application using the useAtom hook (or more fine-grained hooks). Similar to useState, useAtom returns a tuple with the current value and a function to update it.

import { useAtom } from 'particule'

function App() {
  const [value, setValue] = useAtom(textAtom)

  return (
      <button onClick={() => setValue('Updated!')}>
        Change text

The setValue function can also accept a callback instead of a value. It takes one argument, which is the current value of the atom. Similar as the initial callback, you can make it async with suspense:

<button onClick={() => setValue(currentValue => {
  // Extra logic here...
  return currentValue + ' - updated!'
  Change text

setValue also accepts a second argument, which is an object with options:

  • equal an equality function that takes a and b and returns a boolean if they are equal. Defaults to
  • noSuspense see Async with Suspense