resetAtom helper

Helper atoms are created using createAtom. They are similar to the atom function, except that they add new functionality to the atom using hooks.

This resetAtom helper can be used to create an atom that is resetable to its initial value at any time.

Start by creating the atom:

import { resetAtom } from 'particule'

export const textAtom = resetAtom('Hello World')

Use it the same way as you would with an atom:

function App() {
  const [value, setValue] = useAtom(textAtom)

  return (
      <button onClick={() => setValue('Updated!')}>
        Change text

And use the useResetAtom hook to reset it at anytime to its initial value:

import { useResetAtom } from 'particule'

function Reset() {
  const reset = useResetAtom(textAtom)

  return <button onClick={reset}>Reset</button>